Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wick's Birthday Cartoon Party

It was a very fun and memorable night...Thanx to everyone for dressing up.......Ed prepared most of the food....he;s such a great cooK....we had lots of food especially was also fun getting ready and dressing up fr the party.....hope we will have more parties soon....Thanx guys...and Happy Birthday Wick...wish u all the best for the future....muax muax..


Anonymous said...

mmmmm i like aladin ;P hehe muax

Jimmy W . . . for double U said...

Thanx Hyman....i know i look fat is that costume...but give me few more months and i'll make sure i'll look good in thta costume..hehehee..

Anonymous said...

hey jimmy, upload pics wif better resolutions k. u guys all looked superbly funny. :D -osman

Jimmy W . . . for double U said...

Hi Osman..
hahaha...Good Resolution/Bad Resolution...i donno how to...i'm computer dumb..only know how to upload them....hehehhe