Saturday, February 25, 2006

Can't Sleep.....

oh well...... it's one of those nights again..... womdering wht is wrong with me....... feel tired and weak but can't sleep at night..... watching m baby sleep so soundly and snoring ...... hhhmmm..... wht a tiring day..... woke up so early this morning.... coz stayed over at Renaisanse Hotel..... went to Friend's Birthday Cocktail Party at Martini Bar (Avenue K).....the place was wonderfull....... they decorated the place with white roses.... coz the theme for the nite was WHITE....... everyone was given white roses at the entrance....... so sweet and elegant... then as ww walk in the was compulsory for all guest to take a poloroid pic with the Birthday Boy...... and there is a Picture frame where they stick all the poloroid pics..... it was so nice...everyone was wearing white....... all the guests were very elegantly my type of party.....glamour glamour....... i thought i was being a Diva, without the intention of course......arriving late ....coz that's becoz i finished my work late and had to drive all the way from Summit...... but obviously i wasn't Diva enough....... guess who took my Diva spot?............ well,'s was our super model....Ms. Amber Chia............... oh ya......and guess wht siao di?......... we presented the Birthday cake with a model friend (Ping Ping) wearing the angel's wings u gave me for christmas...... so Diva...... she looked stunning.... the nite ended with few guests being drunk......wont mention names coz they'll probably kill me....or the media and Edward left the party at around 11pm coz we were so hungry and decided to have wonton mie...... the wait as usual.....tak boleh tahan......ahahhhahha..... after food...went back to hotel and dropped dead...... ZZZZZzzzzzz.......

Monday, February 20, 2006

How Do I Begin ?

wow... this is my very first time writting a blog (my blog that is)..... really don't knowwhere to begin.... finally got to call me siao di (small bro) in Melbourne..... miss him alot..... i've tried calling him few time in the week but some wierdo lady kept answering the phone and scolded me.... i knew something was wrong..... luckily siao di sms me.....and i found out the number he gave me was wrong....aarrgghhh...... am so happy to know that he's doing fine there...settling in his new home..... life would be so different without him here...... we used to talk alot and share alot of things with each other..... can't believe he's now gone so far far away.... but i do wish him all the best... hope he'll grow to be what he wants to be..... am so proud of him.... that's him at the the left is my Ta Ge (Big bro).....although sometimes i feel i'm the oldest......but actually sometimes we all do play a role a the Big Brother ...and sometimes the Youger one regradless of our ages......

Oouch.... my gigi so sakit..... need to go dentist for s check up.... started to hurt lastnite after eating Bak Kut Teh.... i think one of my fillings came out..... hope the dentist is cute..hehhee....anyone can recommend me a cute dentist?'s been ages since i remember the last time i went to the dentist....i used to love going to dentist and clinics when i was younger.....but as time grows older......TAKUT.....:(